Moneyweb reprinted a July 31 Wall Street Journal article, Ten things your IT department won't tell you, by Vauhini Vara.
The ten "secrets" are thoroughly presented in a format that lists the problem, the solution, the risks involved and how to stay safe.
- How to send giant files
Very cool! I had never heard of the online services, such as YouSendIt Inc., SendThisFile Inc., or DropSend. - How to use software that your company won't let you download
This is more an issue of work-arounds. At least for where I work, there's a good reason to block certain software, such as Google Desktop -- Security! - How to visit the web sites your company blocks
- How to clear your tracks on your work laptop
- How to search for your work documents from home
Great... their solution is to use Google Desktop. :-( - How to store work files online
- How to keep your privacy when using email
Some common sense here: use https (a secure session). Encryption is another solution they mention, but I'm surprised they don't mention freenigma, which I love. - How to access your work email remotely when your company won't spring for a Blackberry
- How to access your personal email on your Blackberry
- How to look like you're working
Hit Alt-Tab ?? That's their solution? Give me a break! That doesn't even work in my environment. Best advice here is "Get back to work!"