Yesterday I posted a photo of a Snowy Egret that I had taken while in Florida last month. Much to my surprise, this picture has garnered more "likes" on Google+ than any other picture that I have ever posted -- 273 after just one day on the
Birds4All community.
Snowy Egret (Egretta thula) is preparing for takeoff: seat back and folding trays are in an upright position.
The thing that I hate to admit is that this is a PhotoShop retouch job. Here's the original:
Try as I might, I couldn't do a motion de-blur well enough to fix the head around the eyes and beak. So I did what any other art department flack would have done -- I pasted in a head shot of the same bird from a different photo. Sue me. At least it was the same bird.
In my continued effort to justify my re-touching, I recognized that it was a pretty nice picture. The bird was in a springing position, about to take flight. I had unfortunately missed getting the tips of the wings, but for the blurred head, the rest of this shot is quite nice. I can get away with the blurred wings, as they impart the right bit of energy to the shot. But a blurred head with two eyes is a no-no.